Monday, July 8, 2019

Clyde SPAN Minutes 07-02-2019

The minutes of the Tuesday, July 2, 2019, meeting of SPAN held at 70 Glasgow Street at 6:30 p.m.
Present: Tom Castellano; Linda Bell; Sandi Bastedo; Dolly Romer; Rose Jeanne Strakal; Dave Hickey

1. Tom Castellano called the meeting to order at 6:30.

2. Rose Jeanne Strakal moved and Dolly Romer seconded “…to accept the June 2019 minutes.”
Motion passed.

3. Treasurer’s report: Sandi distributed a handout that showed a balance of $3,281.10.

4. Membership: Rose Jeanne Strakal reported a total of 106 members. She is sending out thank
you notes to new members.

5. Tours: Dolly Romer reported that the Corning trip was successful. There were 42 people
attending. The next trip is August 21st to Auburn to include a visit to the Harriett Tubman Home
and to Makenzie-Childs in Aurora, NY.

6. Sandi Bastedo listed the SOAR activities:
The July 17th picnic at Clyde’s Blockhouse. SPAN is supplying the meat; other groups are bringing salads, cookies, etc. The picnic is scheduled to start at 5:30. In case of rain, we will move to the Clyde Fire hall. We plan on about 100 attendees.

The Erie bicyclists will be coming through Clyde on July 9th.

On July 6th and 13th the Wayne Co. branch of Habitat for Humanity group will work around the
Blockhouse area to clean it up.

7. Art and Music in Clyde Village Park:
On Tuesday, July 23rd, artists can set up from 2:00-8:00. Nate Michaels plays from 6:00 to 8:00.
On Wednesday, August 24th, artists can set up from 2:00 –8:00 . The Savannah Cellarsavers play from 6:00 to 8:00.
On Tuesday, August 27th, artists can set up from 2:00 to 8:00. Nate Michaels will play from 6-8.
There is a registration form for artists/ vendors, which can be obtained at the SPAN office, 70
Glasgow St. For registration questions email Steve Moore at

8. Discussion about a possible art work space in Gayle Porter’s location.

9. Alumni Event: Homecoming game is October 18th. SPAN will make up tickets at $10. Each.

10. The school has a tent available. We will serve hors d’oeuvres. Amber and Kelly will advertise on
Face book and email. Everyone needs to promote this event.

11. Other business: Rose Jeanne Strakal will try to get the pictures in the windows for the August
celebrations by August 8th. Be available to help, anyone who can. On July 16th, a repair group will
work on the frames at the SPAN office.

12. Meeting adjourned at 7:45.

Respectfully submitted,
David Hickey