Monday, June 8, 2020

Clyde SPAN Minutes 06-02-2020

The minutes of the “zoom” meeting of SPAN held at 6:30 p.m. on June 2, 2020

Present: Amber Clingerman; Kelly Furman; Amy Bullard; Jennifer Peeso; Sandi Bastedo; Hugh Miner; Rose Jeanne Strakal; David Hickey; Nicole Malbone

1 Amber called the meeting to order at 6:59. (Some of us had difficulty signing in to our phones or computers)

2 Hugh moved that the May minutes be approved, seconded by Sandi Bastedo. Motion carried.

3 The treasurer reported a balance of $9,561.14.

4 Membership: We now have 8 new members with a total of 58.

5 SOAR update: We continue to use the Empire State trail. There is a “Residential Health Activities” 14 day challenge sheet that has been distributed. A discussion followed regarding trail activity which included bird houses and art on the trail. Hugh reported that the community picnic is cancelled . Hugh stated the he will be conducting a cemetery walk in October or November. No one has heard about whether there will be an August 15th festival this year. There may be an encampment according to Tom Sawtelle.

6 Hugh mentioned that we might use the Chamber of Commerce funds to upgrade the kiosks. Jeff Rice, Tom Sawtelle, Hugh Miner and Nicole Malbone will try to enlist others to work on that project.

7 Dollars for Scholars has requested to use the SPAN office.

8 Hugh Miner moved that “…we purchase 2 fire rings “ , seconded by Sandi. Motion passed.

9 Amy will ask Kevin Rooney for more mulch for the campsite.

10 Sandi has a bench she will donate to the fishing area, and Jennifer Peeso has a truck to help move it and also move the fire rings.

11 Could we schedule a “work day” at the campsite and maybe have a hot dog cook out ?

12 Rose Jeanne will extend an invitation to the Amish to use our campsite.

13 Hugh agreed to be the caretaker of a shed key along with the village office.

Nicole Malbone mentioned a possible young kids walk with a scary movie. Amy said she would like to see a once a month news letter sent to the membership. Hugh agreed he will conjure one up once he gets these minutes.

Next meeting, weather permitting, our SPAN meeting will be at the Lauraville Landing pavilion.

Meeting adjourned at 8:04

Respectfully submitted
David Hickey