Thursday, September 3, 2020

Clyde SPAN Minutes 08-04-2020

The minutes of the SPAN meeting held at Lauraville Landing on August 4, 2020, at 6:30 p.m.

Present: Kelly Furman; Amy Bullard; Mary K Lauster; Amber Clingerman; Rose Jeanne Strakal; Hugh Miner; David Hickey; Sandi Bastedo

1 Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:40

2 Hugh miner moved and Mary k Lauster seconded to accept the July 2020 minutes. Motion passed.

3 Treasurer Amber Clingerman reported a balance of $9,082.76. She listed several donations for kiosks and one as a memoriam for Tom Castellano. Hugh had news that Jeff Shields installed a camera. Other suggestion were to have frosted windows, to have an ID on the kayaks and a tracker. We plan to buy four new kayaks. Discussion about how to rent, reservations, waivers, etc. Perhaps a way to swipe a credit card.

4 Mary k Lauster asked if we could have kids help sweep the trail. A discussion about signage followed.

5 Kiosks: The Chamber of Commerce had donated some $700. Toward making and maintaining them. Hugh is attempting to have several local businesses contribute to their upgrade. Jeff Rice has said his daughter would like to help.

6 End of year activity: Hugh asked what could we do as an end of year activity. Several replies were offered: cider & donuts in the park; chicken barbecue; cemetery walk; ice cream truck. The Cellar Savers will have a concert on August 12. An encampment is scheduled for September 12. Also there is a car show.

7 Sandi announced that the National Honor Society at school will take over the Little Red Book Shelves. A discussion followed about how to celebrate Tom Castellano’s legacy. Sandi Bastedo moved that…”we place a plaque on each Little Red Bookshelf, in honor of Tom Castellano.” Motion passed.

8 Sandi wondered if shop class could build the bird houses that we contemplated placing along the trail.

9 Hugh set the date for the cemetery walk. Another activity was to place pumpkins along the trail at night.

10 Rose Jeanne Strakal reported a membership of 82 ans 2 businesses.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

David Hickey