The minutes of the SPAN meeting on January 5th 2016, held at 70 Glasgow Street at 6:30 p.m.
Present: Tom Castellano; Sandi Bastedo; Rose Jeanne Strakal; Hugh Miner; Larry Warfels and David Hickey
1 Nominations: A slate of 2016 officers was presented
President: Tom Castellano
Vice-president: Sandi Bastedo
Secretary: David Hickey
Treasurer: John Robert
Secretary to cast one ballot for the slate.
2 Minutes for November meeting – moved to be accepted by Hugh Miner, seconded by Rose Jeanne Strakal. Motion carried.
3 The treasurer reported a balance of $4605.28.
4 Meetings with other organizations: Hugh reported that one idea is to share minutes with the presidents of the various organizations.
Rotary – Barb Harper
Lions –Dick Mouio
Chamber – Larry Warfels
Grange – Linda
Galen Historical Society – Beth Bailey
5 John Robert reported a discussion the Chamber had. The Chamber wants SPAN to take over the maintenance of the kiosks. The Chamber had three major projects: the angels; the kiosks; and the bike riders. One question asked was who actually owns the kiosk structures. If SPAN agrees to take over the kiosks, there is an account of about $780 set aside for care and upkeep that could be transferred.
Hugh Miner moved ” …that we accept responsibility for the kioska and accept the check for $785.35 from the chamber” Rose Jeanne seconded it. The motion carried.
6 Membership report: Hugh’s letter is to be included in the mailings. The envelopes will have member information lines to be filled out. The email space will be moved up away from the gummed seal.
Wayne ARC printed last year’s letter. In charge was a Mr. VanValkengburgh.
Rose Jeanne will order 200 envelopes and some labels.
There is some final editing of the last paragraph “looking forward with SPAN”. There will also be a page of pictures of some of SPAN’s activities.
There will be a short meeting to fold and assemble on Jan. 14th . We will try to expand to 200 names.
7 Lauraville Campgrounds: Hugh reported that the November 21st clean the brush work at Lauraville Landing was a big success. Students from Cornell arrived to help along with some boy scouts and their scout master, plus some SOAR and SPAN volunteers all worked to clear the layout.
As to the L-shaped I k property, that is still in the works and we will revisit the transfer in the spring.
8 As to the annual chicken barbeque fund raiser, we have decided to wait until the new officers are named at the fire department.
Respectfully submitted
David Hickey