The minutes of the SPAN meeting held at 70 Glasgow Street on February 2nd 2016 at 6:45.
Present: Tom Castellano; Sandi Bastedo; Hugh Miner; John Robert; Dave Hickey; Rose Jeanne Strakal; Brad Shimp and Barbara Monsour.
1. Brad Shimp was treated first as he had to leave early. Brad brought some questions by the Village Board regarding SPAN’s plan for the Lauraville Landing campgrounds. For example, will we have a check-in-check-out policy? A discussion followed wherein it was decided that it would be a good idea to have a pamphlet created which explained our policies once they have been thought out. Also suggested was a joint SPAN/ local citizen meeting to explain our ideas.
2. Hugh announced that there will be a 2:00 p.m. meeting this Saturday, Feb. 6 with the Cornell student, Quinn Uesugi, his friend, and any interested SPAN or SOAR member to discuss the plans for the campgrounds.
3. As to the L-shaped property we would like to acquire, progress is being made and documents are now in the lawyer’s hands.
4. The treasurer reported a balance of $4507.28. He is checking the accuracy of the $92. Bill from ARC. A motion was made to “pay the Dryden Mutual bill of $210.14” by Sandi Bastedo and seconded by Rose Jeanne Strakal. The motion carried.
5. Membership: We currently have 70 members. We are sending out membership letters with return envelopes, a letter about our future and a page of color pictures of SPAN activities to 187 active and potential members plus 24 hand delivered envelopes.
6. Sandi Bastedo announced that there will be a Trail Work group working on Lock 65 on Clean Sweep weekend, April 22-24. SPAN and other area volunteers will work in our area as we have traditionally picked Saturday, April 23, 2016, for our contribution. We usually begin at 10:00 a.m. and finish about noon with a hot dog roast at Lauraville Landing.
7. Sandi gave an update on SOAR activities:
The art teacher at Clyde-Savannah will be using the SPAN offices to hang some of their art on our walls.
There is a “Lego Club”, theme based, at the public library.
On April 5th, Margaret will have an “Eat Smart New York” program on nutrition.
Barb Monsour will be at the parent –teacher’s meeting in March.
8. Tom Castellano announced that Bill Garofono would be a good choice for a future SPAN program.
9. Other Business: Rose Jeanne asked if anyone is sending flowers to new businesses. It was moved to “…send a plant not to exceed $50.,to Bob Deneiri’s new office”. Motion carried.
10. John Robert pointed out that we need to know who actually owns the kiosks. Also the information on the kiosks needs to be updated.
Respectfully submitted,
David Hickey