Monday, May 10, 2021

Clyde SPAN Minutes 05-04-2021

 The minutes of the May 4, 2021. meeting of SPAN held via Zoom at 6:30 p.m.

Present: Kelly Furman; Amber Clingerman; Amy Bullard; Rose Jeanne Strakal; Hugh Miner; Sandi Bastedo; Nicole Malbone; Jennifer Peeso; David Hickey; and special guest, Joe Salerno.

1 Rose Jeanne Strakal moved to accept the April minutes, seconded by KellyFurman. Motion carried.

2 Treasurer Amber Clingerman reported a closing balance of $10528.73.

3 Hugh said there is more work to be done moving mulch at the campsite. Those who wish to help will meet this Saturday, May 8, at 10:00 a.m. to continue the mulch project.

4 Membership chairperson Rose Jeanne reported that SPAN now has 104 members, and an additionl contribution of $225. in donations.

5 Juneteenth Celebration, named after the date of the Emancipation Proclamation, is being planned. Fliers and announcements will be forthcoming.

6 A bike rodeo is planned for June 5th. There is a meeting with the town board to finalize.

7 SOAR has a virtual Check-in on May 27th.

8 Nicole Malbone brought up the idea that maybe adopting a highway or street might be an activity we could support.

9 Hugh Miner said we need to label the kayaks, one name large and conspicuous, and one small and inconspicuous. Hugh will consult with „Signs and Designs“ to see if they might have a stencil for that purpose.

10 As to the kayak shed lock, Sandi is looking in to the possible choices.

11 Amy Bullard asked if SPAN should plan an event to celebrate the opening of our camp and kayak operations, perhaps in connection with Juneteenth or with the May 21st Erie Canac opening this year. Some of our local firms, like AATech, Thomas’s, and DiSanto’s might get involved. Jen Peeso will send out an email to get the ball rolling.

12 Our guest, Joe Salerno, gave us the rundown on the upcoming event, „Memories of Clyde“ scheduled for August 14th at Lauraville Landing from noon to 5 o’clock. His committee is highly organized and has over 1100 members. They plan to produce a video which can be accessed via Youtube. They are in need of donations. Hugh Miner moved and Rose Jeanne seconded to „...donate $300. to the Galen Historical Society for the Memories of Clyde project.“ Motion carried

13 The community picnic is planned for Lauraville Landing on July 26, 2021. It is cosponsored by the Historical Society and SPAN. Hugh and Nicole are the Historical Society contacts. SPAN will supply the meat, and others will supply either a dish to pass or dessert or chips. It is to be decided, considering covid-19 restrictions. Jim Darnell is looking into the program. Fliers will be sent out. We will be contacting Rotary, Lions Club, etc. More about this will be determined at out next meeting.

14 Amy Bullard brought up the Cycle the Erie event. Should we have a table in the park? Discuss.

15 Hugh and Rose Jeanne worked in the SPAN office organizing the books for the Little Red Bookshelves. They also constructed bookshelves in the office.

16 It was further discussed that perhaps we should have a campsite and kayak demonstration during the August 15th weekend. Perhaps the Montezuma Audubon Center could bring their kayaks for that event.

17 Sandi reminded us of the plant sale this weekend at the Cornell Extension in Newark.

18 The Mother’s Day event is canceled .

19 The dedication of the Little Red Bookshelves will be included in the Memories of Clyde event. Jen Peeso will do the attaching of the plaques on the bookshelves.

20 The Visitors to Clyde shed, a school project, is set for May 31st.

21 Hugh Miner moved and Sandi Bastedo seconded, that“...SPAN donate $300. to Dolars for Schollars as a graduation schollarship based on the applicant’s civic service record.“

22 A discussion of SPAN’s possible role as an Erie Canal steward will be part of next meeting’s agenda.

Meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted 

David Hickey

Clyde SPAN Minutes 04-06-2021

 The minutes of the April 6, 2021, meeting of SPAN held at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom:

Present: Kelly Furman; Amber Clingerman; Amy Bullard; Rose Jeanne Strakal; Hugh Miner; Nicole Malbone; Sandi Bastedo; Jennifer Peeso; David Hickey

1 Kelly Furman opened the meeting at 6:57.

2 Amber reported a closing balance of $10,528.73. We are all caught up with Cornell through March.

3 Rose Jeanne reported 90 members. There was $125 in extra donations in March and 10 paid dues. We discussed a way to pay dues on line. Pay Pal charges a fee. Hugh said he would mention it in his next newsletter.

4 SPAN is registered for Canal Clean Sweep. There is a sign up sheet. SPAN members will divide their efforts to picking up debris along the trail and near the Blockhouse and in spreading mulch near the campsites. Span will provide sandwiches and water for the volunteers.

Sandi Bastedo moved and Rose Jeanne seconded,“...that SPAN will order sandwiches for the Clean Sweep volunteers from the West Side Deli“. Motion passed.

5 Under Old Business, it was stated that there will be a bike rodeo on Juneteenth. We will set up a committee on April 29th.

There is a community picnic scheduled for July 26, co-sponsored with the Historical Society to be held at Lauraville landing. SPAN is to provide the meat; other organizations will bring a dish to pass. The Historical Society will provide the program.

6 The memorial plaques in honor of Tom Castellano are at the SPAN office.They need to be attached to the Little Red Bookshelves. Sandi moved and Nicole seconded that“...SPAN pay for the materials to attach the plaques.“ Motion passed.

Hugh stated that we need volunteers to work on organizing the Little Red Bookshelf books at the  SPAN office. We need bookshelves. Hugh moved, and Rose Jeanne seconded“...that SPAN pay up to $300. to build bookshelves.“ Motion passed. We will check with Connie and Glen Martin before attaching any shelves.

7 The Master Gardener program needs to settle on a topic for the next presentation at 6:30 on May 4th. The choices are composting,tomato growing, sweet potatoes; and landscaping.

8 On May 8, the Saturday before Mother’s Day, kids must sign up at $10. per person. Virtual or in person

( I didn’t get all the details for the above activity – fill in the blanks here at the next SPAN meeting, please.)

9 Kelly Furman noted that we need to generate a list of activities and dates for next year. Hugh noted that 2023 is the 200th anniversary of Wayne County.

There is now a 10‘X10‘ canopy at the SPAN office. We may order another, if needed.

10 Meeting adjourned at 8:13 

Respectfully submitted,


David Hickey