The minutes of the August 2nd, 2016, meeting of SPAN held at the Lauraville Loop camp area, convened at 6:00 P.M.
Present: Tom Castellano; Jane Robert; Dave Hickey; Rose Jeanne Strakal; Hugh Miner; Kelley Farrell; Briged Heenan; John Robert; Gerry Fremow; and Sandi Bastedo
Call to order at 6:15
Rose Jeanne Strakal moved to accept the July minutes, seconded by Hugh Miner with the amendment of $ 125 “for each village”. Motion carried.
Treasures report: John Robert reported a balance of $3873.03. David Hickey moved and Hugh Miner seconded a motion to “ reimburse John Robert for the 50 dollar expense he incurred.” Motion carried.
Rose Jeanne reported that SPAN membership now stands at 72. Also that the snap shot pictures in frames volunteers would meet on August 8th at 9:00 A.M. to bring the frames from the Mill Museum to SAPAN headquarters. To wash Messinger’s window: Dan Ketchum; Rose Jeanne Strakal; Tom Castellano; and Jane Robert. Thursday, Rose Jeanne Strakal will inventory shirts, caps, etc. for the garage sale on Saturday, August 9th. Set up to begin at 8:00 A.M.
Savannah Art Fest tees are selling at 10. each. We need to place yard sale signs around the village. If you put a sign up, be responsible and take it down (save) when over.
Kelly Farrell displayed examples of maps of Clyde for possible use in signs and brochures. It was decided to use “Lauraville Loop Campsites” as the official name for the area. It was suggested that we might have future SPAN meetings at the Lauraville Loop Campsite. We might emplace a sign up board to find out where visitors come from. We might construct a bike rack and a platform for boat landings.
The Liverpool Quartet –Harmony in the Park – is scheduled for Sunday, September 11th.
Savannah Art Fest is schedules on Sept. 24 and 25.
Meeting adjourned at 7:17
Respectfully submitted,
David Hickey