Saturday, September 28, 2019

Clyde SPAN Minutes 09-03-2019

The minutes of the SPAN meeting held at 66 Glasgow Street (our new office) on September 3,
2019 at 6:30 p.m.

Present: Tom Castellano; Dolly Romer; Sandi Bastedo; Ginny Merritt; Amber Clingerman;
Steve Moore; Hugh Miner; Dave Hickey; Gayle Porter; Kelly Furman; Rose Jeanne Strakal

1 Tom Castellano called the meeting to order at6:35.
2 Dolly Romer moved to accept the August minutes, seconded by Hugh Miner. Motion passed.
3 The treasurer’s report showed a balance of $5911.98.
4 Membership: We currently have 112 members.
5 Amber Clingerman and Kelly Furman reported that the Splatter Run event went well. The have
raised $2300 for Halloween in the Park set for October 5.
6 Sandi Bastedo reported on SOAR activities:
The Savannah Art Festival is set for September 28. Some artists will demonstrate their skills –
there will be an art contest – Jim Montana will be doing nature photography. There may be a
raffle to benefit the red book shelf.
There will be a British Foot military reenactment at the Clyde Blockhouse on September7.
There will be a re-dedication of the Blockhouse on September 12 at noon.
Mystery, Mischief, and Mayhem, a program devised by Tom Sawtelle, will be held at Span
headquarters at an Open House on October 19, 2019.
The alumni event is scheduled for the homecoming game on Oct 18. Tickets ar $10. Each and
will take care of entering the game and the food area. The school is taking care of the food. Span
members will take tickets at the gate. We need to get a flyer to hand out.
The campsite is being maintained by Mark DeVito. He is requesting SPAN to provide him
with some tools and a firering for the fishing area.Hugh Miner moved and Sandi Bastedo
seconded that “SPAN supply the requested materials” The motion passed.
Sandi reported that she attended a Community Arts Grant meeting sponsored by the NYS
Council on the Arts. They could provide up to 5 K for artists. It must be non-profit. Perhaps an
Art Collective – rent a space, offer instruction, Sandi offerd to write the application which is due
by October 26. It must have an artist attached. It could involve theater, music, or painting, all
sorts of artistic activity. It would continue on a yearly basis.
Gayle Porter said the part of her building, the part close to the Brick Oven, could be used as
long as the temperature is above 55 degrees. The space would be sealed off from the rest of her
building. It is secure, has hardwood floors and is quite large. Art could be created there and sold
there. (See Gayle’s handout)
Ginny Merritt moved and Hugh Miner seconded “…that Sandi pursue an application for
a community arts grant.” The motion passed.
7 Rose Jeanne Strakal researched a SPAN banner , 2’X4’, to replace the missing one. Sandi
Bastedo moved and Steve Moore seconded to “buy the banner”. The motion passed.
8 Hugh Miner moved and Tom Castellano seconded “…that SPAN buy ink stamps that read ‘for
deposit only’”. The motion carried.
9 Shelly Furman noted that volunteers are needed on Oct 5th for Halloween in the Park.
10 Dolly Romer noted that with additional funds coming in, SPAN needs to have more
11 Steve Moore noted that the are several locations on Facebook which discuss Art in this area:
Fb@Savannah Arts NY
Fb@ Eye on Art and Music (Clyde focus)
Fb@ A Conversation about Art in Wayne County NY and Beyond
The meeting adjourned at 7:50
Respectfully submitted,
David Hickey