Monday, June 1, 2020

Clyde SPAN Minutes 05-05-2020

The minutes of the May meeting of SPAN held on “Zoom” on May 5, 2020 at 6:30

Present: Amber Clingerman; Rose Jeanne Strakal; David Hickey; Amy Bullard; Sandi Bastedo;
Linda Bell; Hugh Miner; Kelly Furman; and Jennifer Peeso

1 Call to order at 6:35

2 Hugh Miner moved to accept the corrected minutes, seconded by Rose Jeanne Strakal. Motion

3 Treasurer’s report showed a beginning balance of $10,707.62 and an ending balance of
$10,544.65. Waiting for receipts for 3 month’s rent.

4 Membership: Rose Jeanne reported 50 members all together in April, not all paid yet.

5 Hugh Miner said the Galen Historical Society has at least one other than the treasurer who can
write checks. He would like us to have such a system. It was reported that Hugh is already set up
at Lyons bank to do just that.

6 We discussed what our contribution might be to “Dollars for Scholars” Hugh moved
that,”…three hundred dollars be given to “Dollars for Scholars”.”, seconded by Linda Bell.
Motion carried.

7 Since Tom Castellano will no longer be presiding, it was agreed to move Kelly Furman to be
co-chair and Sandi Bastedo would be vice chair. Hugh miner moved “…that Kelly Furman be a
new co-chair with Hugh Miner and that Sandi Bastedo would act as vice chair for the duration of
2020.” Linda bell seconded and the motion passed.

8 Amy would look into the birdhouse project along the Erie Canal Trail. She will contact Kevin
Rooney with the county. It could be a family project, an “art trail”. Other projects were
discussed. Amy will discuss with Mary K Lauster to get a committee started.

9 Hugh Miner moved that we adjourn, 7:57

Respectfully submitted,
David Hickey